The Mystery of Gravity & The phantom of Dark Energy are Explained by a Hidden Dimension of Time & Undiscovered Fundamental Force in Nature
Linear time dimension, collapse of wave function, primary visual cortex of human brain, heart sounds, neutrino, oscillatory force, the constant of all constants, dark energyAbstract
The Standard Model of physics explains three of the four fundamental forces that govern the universe: electromagnetism, strong force, and weak force, but it lacks the fourth fundamental force which is gravity. The rapid acceleration of the expansion of the universe indicates that our understanding of gravity as a force between two masses or as a result of the curvature of spacetime caused by a mass is incomplete. Some theorists suggest that a particle called graviton is the carrier for the force of gravity. Unlike the carriers for the other three fundamental forces in nature, the graviton, has never been found experimentally at the large hydron collider in CERN laboratory, which raise the question is gravity a real fundamental force in nature, or it could be a force that result from the interaction between two fundamental forces in nature & one of them has not been discovered yet. Here, we show that we live in a universe with more than one dimension of time where the universe generates a linear time dimension from an energy that results from subatomic particles interactions. This novel interaction at subatomic particles also generates undiscovered fundamental force that interacts with electromagnetism to generate gravity. This undiscovered fundamental force along with a hidden dimension of time in the universe explains the rapid acceleration of the expansion of the universe, or what is known as dark energy.
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