Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends 2024-05-24T08:31:49+00:00Prof. Majed O. A. Masagbaeditor1@isrra.orgOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">The International Journal of Social Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJSSCFRT) is an open access International Journal for scientists and researchers to publish their scientific papers in Social Sciences related fields. IJSSCFRT plays its role as a refereed international journal to publish research results conducted by researchers.</p> <p>This journal accepts scientific papers for publication after passing the journal's double peer review process within 4 weeks. For detailed information about the journal kindly check <a title="About the Journal" href="">About the Journal</a> page. </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">All IJSSCFRT published papers in Social Sciences will be available for scientific readers for free; no fees are required to download published papers in this international journal.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> of Different Soil Wetting Patterns on Water Availability to Watermelon Crop and its Productivity2024-03-27T10:41:03+00:00Hellen<p>Farmers try to adapt to climate change in semi-arid areas by practicing improved agricultural production. However there is a limitation on practices that promote adaptation to climate change in the semi-arid areas. The information on depths and widths of wetted zone of soil under drip application of water have a great significance in the design and management of drip irrigation system for delivering required quantity of water and chemicals to plants. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of different soil wetted patterns from the different frequencies and durations of irrigation application and use of soil super absorbent polymer on the water productivity of watermelon crop. Baringo County soil is mostly clay with frequent droughts and the rains are inconsistent, hence the need for sensitization on improved technologies so as to adopt to climate change. Different plots were laid with different irrigation frequencies and durations, daily for 4.5, 2.25 and 1.5 hours, after two days for 9, 4.5 and 3 hours and after three days for 13.5 ,6.75 and 4.5 hours. Super absorbent polymer was added to the half of the experimental plots. Watermelon crop was planted to maturity on the experimental plots in order to determine the water productivity from the different soil wetting patterns. Water productivity was computed based on the total yield of watermelon crop and quantity of water used for the different wetting patterns. The soil from the study area was classified as clay and the use of the super absorbent polymer did not improve on the water melon crop water productivity. Results from the study revealed that the highest water productivity of 18.2 kg/m<sup>3</sup> was at irrigation frequency of two days and 9 hrs irrigation duration on the soil without the super absorbent polymer and the lowest of 9.78 kg/m<sup>3 </sup>at irrigation frequency of 3 days and 13.5 hrs irrigation duration on the soil with the super absorbent polymer. These findings can be adopted by the farmers in proper design of a drip irrigation system for growing of watermelon crop in clay soil with similar climatic conditions in order to improve on its water productivity.</p>2024-07-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends Mystery of Gravity & The phantom of Dark Energy are Explained by a Hidden Dimension of Time & Undiscovered Fundamental Force in Nature2024-04-15T10:41:26+00:00Ramzi A. Almohammadi,<p> </p> <p>The Standard Model of physics explains three of the four fundamental forces that govern the universe: electromagnetism, strong force, and weak force, but it lacks the fourth fundamental force which is gravity. The rapid acceleration of the expansion of the universe indicates that our understanding of gravity as a force between two masses or as a result of the curvature of spacetime caused by a mass is incomplete. Some theorists suggest that a particle called graviton is the carrier for the force of gravity. Unlike the carriers for the other three fundamental forces in nature, the graviton, has never been found experimentally at the large hydron collider in CERN laboratory, which raise the question is gravity a real fundamental force in nature, or it could be a force that result from the interaction between two fundamental forces in nature & one of them has not been discovered yet. Here, we show that we live in a universe with more than one dimension of time where the universe generates a linear time dimension from an energy that results from subatomic particles interactions. This novel interaction at subatomic particles also generates undiscovered fundamental force that interacts with electromagnetism to generate gravity. This undiscovered fundamental force along with a hidden dimension of time in the universe explains the rapid acceleration of the expansion of the universe, or what is known as dark energy.</p>2024-05-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends Probable Number of Escherichia Coli from pH, Temperature and Turbidity to Indicate Water Quality in Gezira State, Sudan2023-12-08T08:16:32+00:00Etigani Abdelgalileltigani9@hotmail.comAhmed Mohamedanieltigani9@hotmail.comGafar<p>Predicting water quality is crucial for distinguishing safe and unsafe water in under-equipped laboratory settings, especially in developing countries. In this study, we utilized a linear regression model to predict the probable number of Escherichia coli (E. coli) based on water temperature, pH and turbidity. The analysis was conducted on 185 water samples collected from diverse sources such as surface water and groundwater in Gezira state, Sudan. The biological quality of the water was assessed using a compartmental bag test (CBT), with the possible number of E. coli serving as an indicator of water quality. The findings indicate that 58.3% of water sources are deemed safe, 16.8% categorized as intermediate risk/probably safe, 16.2 were probably unsafe and 22.2% are considered unsafe. The regression model effectively processed the measured values and demonstrated a high level of prediction accuracy. Furthermore, the turbidity significantly contributed to the prediction (p < .005).</p>2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends Survey on Legionnaires Disease and Benefits of Using IoT and Artificial Intelligence for Control Measure2024-05-10T12:03:45+00:00Preetham Reddy Hamid<p>In this paper, we summarized Legionella, its outbreaks, detection techniques, compliance, and traditional control measures. We proposed the benefits of using a Remote temperature monitoring and tap flushing system that can be implemented with the help of Internet of Things (IOT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Legionella bacteria is usually found in all types of water systems and soil. Humans are affected by breathing Aerosols from the infected sources. Figure 2 shows the major sources of Legionella and its routes to human exposure. It is asymptomatic in most individuals but can cause Pontiac fever, Legionnaires disease and can lead to severe Pneumonia. People with weak immune systems, the old aged and smokers are most susceptible to legionaries' disease. There are no distinct symptoms for legionnaires disease, so it is unnoticed or neglected most of the time. Legionellaceae family consists of more than 50 species of which Legionella Pneumophila is the most common serogroup which causes Legionnaires disease. Temperature between 20°C to 50°C is most suitable for its growth. Artificial water systems like water tanks, Domestic water distribution systems, Spa pools, Cooling towers are some of the major sources of legionella. Legionella bacteria grows on Biofilms and stagnant water in supply pipes and water systems. There is detailed guidance and legislation to maintain these systems to prevent legionella outbreaks. A remote temperature monitoring and a remote outlet flushing solution can help the legionella organizations to keep the water systems compliant and safe from Legionella. A sensor network for remote monitoring of water temperatures and initiating outlet flushes can help reduce the manual efforts.</p>2024-06-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends