About the Journal
The International Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJASCFRT) is an open access International Journal for scientists and researchers to publish their scientific papers in Applied Sciences related fields. International availability for author's scientific Papers can be achieved by Indexing, Abstracting, and Listing their papers.
This Journal is published by Mohammad Nassar for Researches (MNFR); MNFR company is registered in Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) under the number 330811, the company national number is 100439452.
This page covers the following topics for authors:
- »Mission & Vision
- »Focus and Scope
- »Indexing and Abstracting
- »Processing Charges ( Fees)
- »Author Registration and Submission Guidelines in the Journal
- »Order Hard Copies of the Journal
- »Author Downloads
- »Article Correction and Retraction Policy
- »Copyright Infringement Claims
- »Plagiarism Policy and Claims
- »Conflict of interest Policy (COIP)
- »Peer Review Process
- »Publication Frequency
- »Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Policy
- »Open Access statement
- »Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
- »Archiving
- »Revenue sources
- »Advertising
- »Ownership
- »General Policy
Mission & Vision
Excellence in publishing quality scientific research papers and leadership at the international level.
The IJASCFRT journal is keen to be a center for publishing and promoting knowledge and scientific research at the international level.
Focus and Scope
The International Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJASCFRT) intended to publish original research papers not previously published, that is not being considered elsewhere for publicationin all main branches of Applied Sciences.Indexing and Abstracting
Click to find the Indexing and Abstracting for the journal.
Processing Charges ( Fees)
The fees structure for this journal:
- submission fees: we do not charge any submission fees
- editorial processing charges: we do not charge any editorial processing charges.
- Online Publication Fees (105 USD).
- page charges: if the paper exceeds 30 pages then the author will be asked to pay 5 USD/page for each page after 30 pages.
- colour charges: we do not charge any colour charges fees.
Peer review process and results excepted time is 4 Weeks.
Author Registration and Submission Guidelines in the Journal
To submit paper to IJASCFRT journal; Authors should register themselves as authors using IJASCFRT open journal system (IJASCFRT OJS) using the following registration page. For already registered users; they should login to the journal and begin the five-step process to submit their papers. Authors can send the paper directly by email using editor@isrra.org
Registration Note:
- Please add the email address editor@isrra.org in your Email address book so that the messages from Editorial Office do not end up in your spam without you knowing it.
Manuscript Structure:
- Submitted manuscripts to the journal should use the following template (download the template).
- The manuscript should be in English.
- The manuscript should be arranged as follows:
1- Title page. This should contain:
- a concise and informative title (as short as possible).
- a list of authors' names.
2- Abstract: the abstract should convey the following information:
- The purpose of the project .
- The research problem.
- The methods used to address this research problem.
- The conclusions reached.
- The significance of the research project.
3- Key-words. A list in alphabetical order not exceeding 8 words or short phrases.
4- Introduction: The function of the Introduction is to:
- This is accomplished by discussing the relevant primary research literature (with citations) and summarizing our current understanding of the problem you are investigating;
- State the purpose of the work in the form of the hypothesis, question, or problem.
- Briefly explain your approach in solving the problem of the research.
5- Materials and methods: you explain clearly how you carried out your study.
6- Results: State the results and draw attention to important details.
7- Discussion: Point out the significance of the results in relation to the reasons for doing the work.
8- Conclusion: state the implications of the answers your results gave you.
8- Citations and References: this journal uses the IEEE Citation Style. (download detailed instructions)
Order Hard Copies of the Journal
Hard copies are available; we have the following options:
- 2 distribution copies (each copy contains the author paper only + table of contents + journal's cover) -- cost is 64 USD + transfer fees.
- 1 full volume copy + 1 distribution copies -- cost is 119 USD + transfer fees.
- 1 full volume copy -- cost is 105 USD + transfer fees.
- Note: The delivery depends on the chosen option and on the volume in which the paper is published (between 20-60 days).
- Note: the fees also cover any costs related to the delivery of the hard copies to the author by postal office.
Author Downloads
Authors can download the following files:
Article Correction and Retraction Policy
Corrections to the published papers are possible under the certain circumstances. In very rare circumstances, the IJASCFRT also reserves the right to remove articles, kindly read the following details:
1. Errata
Errata concern the amendment of mistakes introduced by the journal in editing or production, including errors of omission such as failure to make factual proof corrections requested by authors within the deadline provided by the journal and within journal policy. Errata are generally not published for simple, obvious typing errors, but are published when an apparently simple error is significant (for example, a greek mu for an 'm' in a unit, or a typing error in the corresponding author's email address). If there is an error in a figure or table, the usual procedure is to publish a sentence of rectification. A significant error in the figure or table is corrected by publication of a new corrected figure or table as an erratum. The figure or table is republished only if the editor considers it necessary. If the colors of histogram bars were wrongly designated in the figure legend, for example, a sentence of correction would be published as an erratum; the entire figure would not be reproduced.
2. Corrigendum
A Corrigendum notifies readers that an article has been corrected subsequent to publication. It is issued by the Publisher and is used in cases where typographical or production errors (either the fault of the authors or the publisher) affect the integrity of the article metadata (such as title, author list or byline) or will significantly impact the readers' ability to comprehend the article. The original article is removed and replaced with a corrected version and a Corrigendum describing the correction is linked to it. The date the correction is made is noted on the corrected article. Corrigenda are freely available to all readers.
3. Retractions
Articles may be retracted or withdrawn by their authors, academic or institutional sponsor, editor or publisher, because of pervasive error or unsubstantiated or irreproducible data. For example, an article’s conclusions may have been based upon faulty logic or computation, its data may have been obtained by accident from a contaminated cell line or through poor instrumentation, or it may have been derived from falsified or fabricated data. IJASCFRT does not differentiate between articles that are retracted because of honest error and those that are retracted because of scientific misconduct or plagiarism. If the notification in the journal is labeled as a retraction or withdrawal, IJASCFRT will index it as a retraction.
4. Article removal
In very rare circumstances it may be necessary to remove an article from the online journal. This will only occur where the article is clearly defamatory, or infringes others' legal rights, or where the article is, or there is good reason to expect it will be, the subject of a court order, or where the article, if acted upon, might pose a serious health risk. In these circumstances, while the bibliographic information (title and authors) will be retained online, the text will be replaced with a page indicating that the article has been removed for legal reasons.
5. Duplicate Publication
IJASCFRT identifies an article that substantially duplicates another article without acknowledgement by assigning both articles. Such articles have one or more authors in common and a substantial amount of duplicated text. IJASCFRT does not routinely examine articles for originality.
Note: Kindly contact the editor if you need any changes regarding your paper editor@isrra.org
Plagiarism Policy and Claims
Kindly Check our plagiarism Policy. Notifications regarding any plagiarism issue should be directed to the editor editor@isrra.org
Copyright Infringement Claims
Notifications regarding any alleged intellectual property infringement should be directed to the editor editor@isrra.org
Conflict of interest Policy (COIP)
Conflict of interest (COI) exists when there is a divergence between an individual’s private interests (competing interests) and his or her responsibilities to scientific and publishing activities such that a reasonable observer might wonder if the individual’s behavior or judgment was motivated by considerations of his or her competing interests.
1- Financial ties.
2- Academic commitments. Participants in the publications process may have strong beliefs (“intellectual passion”) that commit them to a particular explanation, method, or idea. They may, as a result, be biased in conducting research that tests the commitment or in reviewing the work of others that is in favor or at odds with their beliefs.
3- Personal relationships.
4- Political or religious beliefs. Strong commitment to a particular political view (e.g., political position, agenda, or party) or having a strong religious conviction may pose a COI for a given publication if those political or religious issues are affirmed or challenged in the publication.
5- Institutional affiliations. A COI exists when a participant in the publication process is directly affiliated with an institution that on the face of it may have a position or an interest in a publication.
All declarations about COI should be requested in writing as a condition of reviewing a manuscript and asked in such a way that authors will have a high likelihood of reporting their COIs related to the manuscript.
The consequences for failing to declare COI.
Any COI will be treated based on flowcharts for the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE); those charts that can be downloaded from the following link (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts).
Which COIs will result in a manuscript not being considered further?
All types of COI mentioned in the previous text will results in stop processing and rejecting the manuscript until the COI is solved.
All authors should report any COI related to their research to the editor.
All reviewers should report any COI related to their reviewing tasks to the editor.
Editors should not make any editorial decisions or be involved in the editorial process if they have or a close family member has a COI (financial or otherwise) in a particular manuscript submitted to their journal.
Peer Review Process
This journal uses double review peer process, The Editor In Chief will send the paper for peer review to two reviewers, if the results were negative by one reviewer and positive by the other one; then the editor may send the paper for third reviewer or he take immediately the final decision by accepting\rejecting the paper. The Editor In Chief will ask the selected reviewers to present the results within 14 working days, if they were unable to complete the review within the agreed period then the editor have the right to resend the papers for new reviewers using the same procedure.
Peer review process and results excepted time is 4 Weeks.
All submitted research papers undergo full peer review, each submitted manuscript is evaluated on the following basis:
- The originality of its contribution to the field of scholarly publishing.
- The soundness of its theory and methodology given the topic.
- The coherence of its analysis.
- The ability to communicate to readers(grammar and style).
- All research papers are reviewed by at least two suitably qualified experts.
- All publication decisions are made by the journals’ Editor on the basis of the reviews provided.
Publication Frequency
Four volumes per year.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Policy
- This Journal apply COPE principles of publication ethics outlined in the COPE's guidelines and core practices.
Open Access statement
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI and DOAJ definition of open access.
Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
The International Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJASCFRT), and the editors are committed to take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others. The journal or its editors will not encourage such misconduct under any circumstances, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place. In the event that the IJASCFRT or the editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article in this journal – we shall follow COPE's guidelines in dealing with allegations.
This journal allow the access to main articles via CLOCKSS; this will be excellent in the event a journal is no longer published.
Revenue sources
The only revenue source for this journal is the author fees. Publishing fees will not influence editorial decision making.
Advertising policy: advertising is not allowed.
This Journal is published by Mohammad Nassar for Researches (MNFR); MNFR company is registered in Jordan under the number 330811, the company national number is 100439452.
General Policy
We welcome any note provided by readers and authors to improve this journal. The journal will strive to satisfy the requirments of the following organizations:
1- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, https://publicationethics.org)
- COPE provides advice to editors and publishers on all aspects of publication ethics and, in particular, how to handle cases of research and publication misconduct. in this journal; we apply COPE principles of publication ethics outlined in the core practices also [Available to download as an A4 poster.]
2- The Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA, https://oaspa.org )
- OASPA is a trade association that was established in 2008 in order to represent the interests of Open Access (OA) publishers globally across all disciplines.
- OASPA is encouraging collaboration in developing appropriate business models, tools and standards to support OA publishing, OASPA aims to help ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for the benefit of its members and the scholarly communities they serve. This mission is carried out through exchanging information, setting standards, advancing models, advocacy, education, and the promotion of innovation.
3- World Association of Medical Editors (WAME, http://www.wame.org)
- WAME is a global nonprofit voluntary association of editors of peer-reviewed medical journals who seek to foster cooperation and communication among editors; improve editorial standards; promote professionalism in medical editing through education, self-criticism, and self-regulation; and encourage research on the principles and practice of medical editing. WAME develops policies and recommendations of best practices for medical journal editors and has a syllabus for editors that members are encouraged to follow.