Determination of Certain Chemical Elements in Cheese as Dairy Product from Local Producer Southern Marshes of Iraq
Dairy products , Cheese, Major ions, Heavy metals, Flame Photometry, Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyAbstract
Locally produced cheese samples were investigated for the concentrations of certain major chemical elements, Ca, Na, and K as well as heavy metals; Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn. Samples of cheese were collected randomly from inhibitors at southern Iraqi marshland, Al-Hammar Marsh, first cut into small pieces, freeze dried, crushed and a certain amount was weighted and wet digested by 3:1 acid mixture of HNO3:HCl. After complete digestion , samples were poured in to 50 ml volumetric flask and volume completed to 50 ml by distilled water and divided into two 25 ml portions, one used for the determination of major elements, Ca, Na, and K by adopting Flame photometric technique, and the other portion used for the determination of heavy metals, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn by adopting the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Levels recorded for Ca, Na, and K were in the order Na > Ca > K. Values recorded for Ca ranged between 27.24 – 46.67 mg/g, for Na ranged 42.21 – 69.34 mg/g being the highest, while K the lowest ranged 8.76 – 32.85 mg/g. On the other hand levels of heavy metals recorded were lower than major ions, the lowest for Pb ranged ND-2.6074 ?g/g and moderate for Cr, Cu, and Ni ranged ND -3.536 ?g/g, 1.20 - 6.68 ?g/g, and 0.61 - 2.245 ?g/g respectively, while Fe and Zn recorded the higher values ranged 18.93 - 64.76 ?g/g and 43.94 – 59.33 ?g/g respectively.
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