Diffuse Hyperlymphocytosis cd8 Syndrome Initially Mistaken for Sarcoidosis


  • Fall B. C Department of Internal Medicine Dalal Jamm Hospital
  • Dieng M Department of Internal Medicine Le Dantec Hospital
  • Gaye A Department of Internal Medicine Dalal Jamm Hospital
  • Niang D Department of Internal Medicine Dalal Jamm Hospital
  • Sall A Department of Internal Medicine Dalal Jamm Hospital
  • Diaw B Department of Internal Medicine Dalal Jamm Hospital
  • Fall A Department of Internal Medicine Dalal Jamm Hospital
  • Salane A Department of Internal Medicine Dalal Jamm Hospital
  • Djiba B Department of Internal Medicine Le Dantec Hospital
  • Kane B. S Department of Internal Medicine Le Dantec Hospital
  • Sow M Department of Internal Medicine Le Dantec Hospital
  • Ndao A. C Department of Internal Medicine Le Dantec Hospital
  • Ndour M. A Department of Internal Medicine Le Dantec Hospital
  • Diagne N Department of Internal Medicine Le Dantec Hospital
  • Fall S Department of Hematology Dalal Jamm Hospital
  • Pouye A Department of Internal Medicine Le Dantec Hospital
  • Ndongo S Department of Internal Medicine Dalal Jamm Hospital


CD8, DILS, Hyperlymphocytosis, Sarcoidosis


The syndrome of hyperlymphocytosis CD8 associated with HIV or "diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome" (DILS) is a rarer pathology since the introduction of triple therapy. We report a new case of DILS taken initially for sarcoidosis. It was Miss A M 40 years old smoking weaned for 3 months; Followed in ophthalmology for panuvéite for 5 years under prednisone 1 mg / kg. This treatment was irregularly taken by the patient. At admission, she had a dry oculo-buccal syndrome, superficial polyadenopathy, sub-diaphragmatic superficial polyadenopathy, symmetrical bilateral parotidomalgia with pear-like appearance, asymmetrical bilateral crepitis in the pulmonary bases. Examination of the integuments found onyxis. The electrocardiogram was normal. Chest X-ray revealed an interstitial syndrome. Thoracic CT scan showed bilateral micronodular pulmonary images with lymph nodes in the upper non-compressive mediastinum and foci of lower lobar fibrosis. Bronchial biopsies showed non-specific inflammatory rearrangement. The alveolar broncho lavage found a lymphocytic alveolitis predominantly composed of CD8 T cells. The ophthalmological examination found sequelae lesions of panuvéite. Blood lymphocyte phenotyping found 161 CD4 / mm3 and 1855 CD8 / mm3 (CD4 / CD8 ratio = 0.086 [N> 0.68]). Investigations of a bacterial infection with benign or specific germs were negative. However, HIV1 serology was positive. The viral load was 110 copies / ml. The biopsy of a cervical adenopathy found a florid follicular lymphoid hyperplasia. The salivary gland biopsy showed lymphoplasmocytic infiltration of viral origin. A diagnosis of DILS was made and antiviral treatment was prescribed as well as corticosteroid therapy. CD8 hyperlymphocytosis decreased after 4 weeks of treatment. HIV-associated CD8 hyperlymphocytosis syndrome (DILS) is a rare entity, but should be systematically discussed in the presence of parotidomgalia and / or other organ damage associated with polyclonal CD8 lymphocytosis.


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How to Cite

Fall B. C, Dieng M, Gaye A, Niang D, Sall A, Diaw B, Fall A, Salane A, Djiba B, Kane B. S, Sow M, Ndao A. C, Ndour M. A, Diagne N, Fall S, Pouye A, & Ndongo S. (2022). Diffuse Hyperlymphocytosis cd8 Syndrome Initially Mistaken for Sarcoidosis. International Journal of Applied Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 13(1), 13–18. Retrieved from https://ijascfrtjournal.isrra.org/index.php/Applied_Sciences_Journal/article/view/1199


