Analysis of Literature Cited by Agricultural Education students at the University of Eswatini
Agricultural Education, analysis, citation, content analysis, literature review, post-graduate, undergraduateAbstract
Undergraduate and post-graduate students in Agricultural Education at the University of Eswatini are required to review the literature as they write the research project or thesis. However, no study was conducted on the analysis of literature cited by students in Agricultural Education. Therefore, the study aimed at the analysis of literature cited in undergraduate (n=284) and post-graduate (N=57) students’ research project or theses in Agricultural Education at the University of Eswatini. A content analysis was employed to analyse the Agricultural Education research projects or theses found at Luyengo Library. A content analysis protocol having the following items was used: type of literature review, number of citations, differences in citations and reference list, the citation by discipline, and newness of literature. Findings of the study revealed the following regarding the literature: books were the main sources; the literature review predominantly was integrative; the literature had few sources and were from Agricultural Education; and was generally old. Therefore, it was concluded that the review of literature by both undergraduate and post-graduate students at UNESWA was wanting. Thus, it was recommended that the guidelines for both undergraduate and post-graduate programmes must be strengthened.
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