Circulating Monocytes to Lymphocytes Ratio and Vitamin D levels in patients with Active Tuberculosis and Close Family Members
Introduction: Relationship of ratio of monocytes to lymphocytes with vitamin D may predict the risk of development of tuberculosis in close family members of tuberculosis patients. Aims and objectives: A cross-sectional study was designed to find out the levels of circulating vitamin D levels and monocytes, lymphocyte, ratio of monocytes/lymphocytes ratio and in active tuberculosis patients and close family members. Material and Methods: Among 90 subjects, 45 were diagnosed tuberculosis patients while 45 subjects were adult family member residing with and taking care of diagnosed tuberculosis patients. 40 normal subjects were taken as a control group. Values of Circulating monocytes, lymphocytes, ratio of monocytes to lymphocytes were estimated by SWISS Max analyzer. Level of vitamin D was estimated by ELISA. Results: Most of the first degree relatives were male with mean age 26.65 years, residing in populous area with one close contact having tuberculosis. Prior history of TB was observed in four family members. This study exhibits significant difference in monocyte lymphocyte ratio and vitamin D levels in the three groups. A significant statistical correlation was observed in patient’s monocyte, lymphocyte count but non-significant correlation was observed between Monocytes/Lymphocyte ratios (ML) and vitamin D. Conclusion: Increased values of circulating monocytes, lymphocyte and their ratio, along with decreased levels of vitamin D was observed in TB patients followed by family members residing with tuberculosis patients. However, no association of vitamin D with ML ratio was noted.
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